Tower of God Episode 5:Recap and Review — Otaku Orbit
Tower of God has been building our anticipation of who the hooded figure might be. Is she Rachel of not? Khun reveals that he can duplicate objects with his briefcase. Humiliated, the other teams all turn their attention “the blue-haired kid,” they attack in unison. Rak steps between them, single-handily defeating all the fighters, winning the third round. The mysterious hooded trio decided to wait for one more round to enter. It turns out that the dark blue object is a hair tie, not a darkly colored piece of hair like I thought. I question the physics that keeps it from falling but it doesn’t really matter. He ties his hair up in a ponytail, preparing for the next round.
The next round
Khun takes his seat as team Bam won’t need to fight this round. Khun, during the first test, gathered several allies. He hides them inside his bag, promising to get them past the first test, in exchange for their aid. He released them after the third test, Khun expresses that he wants “to win and climb the tower” with Bam and Rak. Khun seems to be coming out of his shell. Meanwhile, the three allies quit, ending the round. Now the final round begins. Bam is quickly distracted the hooded girl that resembles Rachel. When the round begins, a female fighter, wearing a black bodysuit and mask, begins dominating the other fighters. With her staff, she bludgeons several contestants.
The Crown game ends without a victory
The black fighter clashes with Rak, but is able to escape him. Before she can attack Bam, one of the hooded warriors interferes. Meanwhile, Rak battles a short guy hand to hand. Khun faces off against a swordsman. The two remaining hooded fighters protect Bam on the throne. With 30 seconds remaining, the black fighter attacks Rachel. Landing a blow to her head, Bam leaps out of the chair to protect her, dropping the crown. Before the black fighter can deliver the final blow, Bam’s hidden Shinsui power erupts. Golden colored, instead of blue, Bam gains the upper hand. He prepares to strike the black fighter but is stopped by the Black March. Bam passes out.
Threats to the tower
The crown games end without a winner. Of course, it was never going to result in team Bam winning, as we wouldn’t have a story to tell. Lero Ro gives the fighters three days off. The test administrator comments that their job isn’t to determine who should climb the tower, but “expel” those who could “harm” the tower. The test administrator must be referring to something other than the physical tower, but maybe the institution it’s self?
Regardless, Bam with his new Shinsui ability and the Black March is clearly becoming more of a threat. Tower of God episode 5 doesn’t make clear what would happen to one of these threats, one could only conclude that it’s not good. We are briefly introduced to an irregular, Urek Mazino. Elsewhere, Rachel shows up while Bam is unconscious. At this point, I don’t really like or trust Rachel. I look forward to seeing if my instinct about her is correct. I fully expect her to ask Khun to lie to Bam or tell him not to follow her.
Tower of God Episode 3 & 4:Recap and Review
Originally published at on May 4, 2020.